Monday, November 30, 2009


When I return home, on Eid day I met my friend, that he aspired to become entrepreneurs. A year later I met my friend again, then I asked "Is now a businessman". He replied "no, I do not have the capital". Yet he still aspired to become entrepreneurs. In the next Eid I met my friend again and she brought was not a businessman.

I remembered the story of Abu Nawas. He said in front of King Harun al-Rashid that he would fly. Hearing these words of Abu Nawas King Harun al-Rasid said to himself, "Well this is my opportunity to defeat the Abu Nawas". Then King Harun al-Rashid said: "O Abu Nawas. What did you say? ". "Sorry Your Majesty the King, when King gave me a high platform, then I will fly from the stage" said Abu Nawas. "Well Abu Nawas, I will make a higher stage, but after Friday prayers before you have to have yourself to fly mempersiakan" said King Must Ar-Rashid. "I'm ready Majesty" replied Abu Nawas. A week later, after finishing Friday prayers, the people had gathered in the square to watch the Abu Nawas will fly. Abu Nawas waiting for His Majesty the King to Ar-Rashid under towering platform about 12 meters. A moment later Baginda Raja Harun al-Rashid arrived in the square which was hailed by the people, and then approached Abu Nawas. "Are you ready Abu?" Said King Aaron. "It is King" replied Abu Nawas. Then Abu Nawas climb the high platform up above. Then he stood up to be greeted with anticipation, "What about Abu Nawas was flying from the stage without carrying any equipment. If it falls off Abu Nawas sure "they muttered to himself. Abu Nawas lifted one foot and waving his arms like a bird will fly. Then replace the one that lifted the other foot and swinging his arms back. Actions Abu Nawas was done repeatedly so that people are bored seeing the behavior of Abu Nawas, and then they shout "I heard you were going to fly. How just so ". Abu Nawas said "I'm not just saying would fly. Why I see it. I'll fly right ". Aaron smiled at His Majesty's behavior and answers the Abu Nawas, and the king was defeated. Abu Nawas was rewarded. That is if you're only going to be a businessman, then forever will only be a businessman and never a businessman. This happens because there are laws to start the business.

Law started the business as well as friction law of an object. Friction I know, since I was in high school freshman. My teacher said that it is still a relatively friction is greater than the moving object. Greatest friction occurs when the body will move. Similarly in starting a business. When will start a business, major obstacles. After running the business, the obstacles are relatively smaller. Biggest obstacle occurs during the first day of opening the business. My neighbor told me "Pak Yanto when I opened the shop on the first day, well a very noisy house. But after running my store, I was not noisy on the first day I opened my shop ". That is the law to start a business.

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