Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Kalbe Farma Sales Target 15%

PT Kalbe Farma Tbk (KLBF) targeting sales rose approximately 15 percent in 2010 which was contributed by the addition of approximately 15-20 new products.

"The new product will add to earnings approximately one to two percent of the total. In the first year did not show results," said Corporate Secretary Vidjongtius Kalbe Farma, the public exposure at Investor Summit 2009, at the Ritz Carlton, Jakarta, Wednesday (2 / 12 / 2009).

In addition, the company was optimistic that if the target of approximately 12-14 percent of sales achieved in 2009. The company's capital expenditures menggangarkan approximately Rp400 billion, Rp500 billion.

Funding this capital expenditure plan prepared by the internal. "Capital Expenditures will be used for the maintanance, warehouses, and a new factory," said Vidjongtius.

The plan, next year Kalbe Farma will make acquisitions of products and companies that plan approximately Rp 100 billion will come from internal. While approximately Rp300 billion to Rp1 trillion from an external. "This acquisition could be a joint venture that could be done in stages,"

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