Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pension If Harry Potter Children

LOS ANGELES - After the success of the Harry Potter movie franchise makes Daniel Radcliffe began to think to start a family, and plans to retire from the film industry when he became a parent.

"In the end I will have children. They'll keep me busy, if I do something I expect at the same time. I did not plan it soon, but it's one I would do in the future," he said as the disitat Legal Femalefirst, Wednesday (2/12/2009).

20-year-old actor who currently has a relationship with Laura O'Toole is, in fact not the only actor who wants a life after the series ended.

Rupert Grint, who plays Harry Potter's good friend, Ron Weasley's life is also wanted, but he was also afraid to spend his life in the 'real world'.

"It's really scary when it's all over, because we will go into the real world. I think it was like a bubble, we've played in this movie every year and this became routine. To be honest I'm going to miss him, this is a great 10 years," he added.

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