Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Europe 'under threat' The King of Spam

JAKARTA - In February 2008, Europe was awarded a new spam king for more than 44 percent of all spam comes from there claimed, compared to 35.1 percent who claimed to come from North America. October 2009, however, seems to position Europe 'threatened' by the Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ) and South America.

In the Symantec report, the Legal quoted by the official statement on Tuesday (1/12/2009) in October 2009 that has been monitoring the European region continued to retain power as the main areas in the delivery of spam by 28 percent. This is a decrease of 6 percent from June 2009.

Meanwhile, APJ and South America currently has over North America with their respective 23 percent, and 22 percent of all spam that comes from these two areas. Twenty percent of all spam now comes from North America, declined 5 percent since June 2009.

The increase in spam that comes from South America and the APJ region is significant, but not too surprising, because considering the growth of the Internet connection huge in these areas in recent years.

In addition, the distribution network becomes more dynamic because of new goals with a broadband connection online every day. Distribution channels also become more complicated because spammers now send messages directly from the infected machine, through the relay path is controlled and continue to use the abuse of webmail / SMTP Auth.

If the spam rating in the country of origin in June 2009 compared with October 2009, can be seen that countries such as India, Taiwan, Thailand, and Chile has increased ratings. Vietnam jumped 13 ranking and is now a third-home spam.

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