Monday, November 30, 2009

Business with a conscience (1)

To benefit a lot done with folded tamper with income and expenses. Because the formula for profit is revenue minus costs. The first step is done to boost revenue by doing aggressive marketing. Income is the product of the price with the volume of sales. Various marketing strategies used to increase sales volume, ranging from cost leadership strategy as a whole until the differentiation strategy. Not enough with that added more focused strategy, whether the focus of the overall cost leadership and differentiation focus. Cost leadership strategy emphasize the overall price advantage over competitors and strategies highlight the benefits of product differentiation, personal, services, channels and image than the competition.

To reduce costs by making all-out efficiency in all lines. Sometimes even lines on the development of human resources, such as educational facilities, training, health benefits and cut out sebagaya. But it cuts the cost of human resource development company that instead dropped it, because it affects the company's overall revenue. This is due to the collapse of the business spirit of the employees.

There are other ways to increase profits that doubled as did Ali ibn Abi Talib. "O woman, if you have something to eat your husband?" Asked Ali to his wife Fatima. "By Allah I did not have anything at all, is there money Namur 6 dirhams from the fur spinning my reward. Money would I buy food for Hasan and Husayn "said Fatima. "O noble lady, give money to me 6 dirhams" said Ali. Fátima then give money to the 6 dirhams Ali ibn Abi Talib. After money is received, Ali out of the house with the intention of buying food for her sons. Suddenly in the middle of the street he met a man who said "Who wants to lend God, Essence of the Controlling and certainly he would keep his promise". Finally Ali approached the man with 6 coin hand over the money brought from home which was originally bought food for her son. After Ali was given the money directly home.

When Fátima knowing her husband to return home without bringing any food, he kept crying. Saw his wife crying, Ali immediately asked, "O noble lady, what makes you cry?". "O son of the Prophet's uncle, I see you brought home with no food at all" said Fatima. "O noble lady, I have 6 dirhams menghutangkan money was to God" said Ali. "If that's what you do I agree" said Fatima.

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