Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Global Crisis Part II?

The world has repeatedly experienced krisis.Dari regional in nature to the global nature. Indonesia, for example, have experienced the Asian crisis in 1997-1998.

This crisis originated from Thailand which although not spread far from East Asia and Southeast Asia. Recovery of the crisis occurred in 1999 and then we saw economic conditions in East and Southeast Asia including Indonesia continues membaik.Namun, in 2008 the world was a global crisis that started from developed countries are the United States. The whole world felt the impact. East Asian crisis and Southeast Asia (including Indonesia) in 1997-1998 began with the financial crisis then spread to the economic crisis. For Indonesia, this economic crisis also spread to the social and political crisis. While the global crisis also began with 2008-2009 financial crisis, followed by ekonomi.Untungnya crisis, there was no social and political impact of the means.

Now many are saying that the global crisis was over. National income has increased lagi.Namun, often said that the new restoration feels for the financial sector. While the economic sector recovery was more sluggish. Even the social impact of the crisis is still felt to this day. In a recent UNDP report (The Global Financial Crisis and the Asia-Pacific Region, 2009) argued that social recovery is usually slower than the economic recovery. Even the social impacts such as low nutrient in children can last forever.

Meanwhile, many parties are still troubling economic recovery of the world's financial ini.Sistem the cause of all crises are the same as before the crisis. Financial sector is always growing fast, much faster than the growth sectors of the financial sector produksi.Padahal needed to assist the growth of the production sector. Financial sectors like oil for motor vehicles can run with too much baik.Ketika oil, motor vehicles would be shuffled and maybe even strike. That's what happens when the financial sector drove rapidly, leaving growth in the production sector. This has repeatedly occurred.

Financial sector growth is remarkable, which is also reflected by the growth of national income, eventually followed by the financial crisis. Even worse, the dynamics of the financial sector is often highly dependent on? Gossip? Among investors in the sector this keuangan.Ketika investors lose confidence, they trooped to sell their securities. Financial sector to fall and consequently make more confidencejatuh can fall so jauh.Bank hit economy sap.

When the confidence of investors to recover, the financial sector also recovered. However, do not automatically recover the production sector. Restoring production sector requires a longer time than investors confidencepara nurture. Unfortunately, until now we have not managed to regulate the sector controlled by? Gossip? these investors. Would our economy and our social sector continuously influenced by the gossip these investors? If the rumors they make a mess the financial sector, economic sector apart, and social sectors affected long.

If the gossip they improved, improved financial sector, investors prevail lagi.Namun, sector followed with a slow economy, and social sectors will be followed by much slower again. Without a fundamental change in world financial structure, the same pattern will continue over and over. Financial sector grew rapidly, then the crisis, and recovery occurs. Then the financial sector grew rapidly again, and again the crisis. Thus seterusnya.Dengan financial integration and a stronger economy, a crisis will occur even more widespread and mendalam.Jarak from one crisis to another crisis would be shorter.

Financial and economic crisis is feared finally brings social and political crisis. Currently in some countries the property sector has provided heat symptoms. People speculated on race properti.Di sector inflation countries began to worry about a new danger. This all bahaya.Akan signaled another crisis imminent? Volume II global crisis? And, suddenly, last Wednesday (November 25, 2009), Dubai World, a Dubai government owned conglomerate, announced the postponement of payment of their debts.

This indicates this conglomeration keuangan.Sontak difficulties this news makes investors panicked. They raced to sell securities mereka.Namun, because the date 27 days holiday (Idul Adha), followed by week-end, financial markets are closed and not much information obtained from Dubai. On Sunday (November 29) United Arab Emirates government to try to calm investors by saying that they would help the liquidity of the financial sector in Dubai. This week is the week that counts. We'll see whether this crisis will tetapdi Dubai Dubai alone, or be extended to Asia, Europe, and the whole world.

Does the global crisis of volume II? Hopefully, this crisis can be ditahandiDubaidantidakmenjalar Dubai where-mana.Apa Either way, it seems we should have immediately made the financial arrangements of the new world, which does not rely on gossip to investors. Indonesia, in particular, do not have to rush immediately to integrate our financial sector to the world's financial sectors. Indonesia can provide an example to regulate the financial sector so as not to grow leaves production sector growth. Financial sector needs to be returned to the original function of helping the growth of the production sector.

Do the financial sector into a separate profit center, regardless of the production sector, as long as this happens, and always produces a crisis. In addition, to guard against the possibility of a global crisis of volume II, either because of crisis Dubai or any other crisis, Indonesia needs to more attention to the domestic economy. Integration of the domestic economy became far more important than any regional integration or global integration. With the dependence on market and major factor in the country, we can reduce the impact of the global crisis on economic and social sectors of the global kita.Krisis vol clearly shows that we benefit in two ways.

First, the financial sector, we have not really integrated into the world financial sector. Second, the contribution of our exports is still low.

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