Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hamas Military Officers Killed Bombed

GAZA - A senior combatant military wing of Hamas, Palestinians, reportedly killed falling debris lane tunnel in the region of Gaza, today.

Victim identified Radi named Yasser Sabri was field commander of the Qassam Brigades of Nuseriat camp, Gaza. AFP news agency on Wednesday (2/12/2009), Radi reported mortar attack during his jihad action.

Palestinian medical officials did not explain in detail the death of Radi, but they ensure that the senior fighters killed by debris. But still unknown where the mortar.

Brigadi Ezzedine Al-Qassam is the military wing of Hamas which controls Gaza since the area in June 2007. They netted tunnel meggunakan almost the entire territory of Gaza, to hide, supplying arms and conducting attacks against Israeli soldiers

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