Monday, November 30, 2009

Abstinence PUTUS ASA

I say "Congratulations" to you who have experienced failure, either sex gala, gala achieve your dream job, or gala in idamkabn business memabangun., Because you can learn from the failures. I have a relative who told me, that he had been what he wanted always achieved and he never failed. But when he failed in his job, until now, never to rise again.

You probably still remember the best film of 1990, the Dances With The Wolves, starring Costner and grabbed Cavin Oscar 7. The film was made based on the novel of the same name written by Michael Blake who also acts as a screenplay writer. Michael Blake is an exemplary figure of persistence needs. Novel Dances With The Wolve the twentieth novel. He has written nineteen previous novels, but not sell, so he had to live in the slums of not being able to finance his life. Tidurpun place he did not have. But he refused to despair to make a novel. When he was in office publishing his novel, he got a call from someone. "I have read your novel" the caller said. "Oh yes" said Michael Blake. "You are very good novel. What if I filmed "the caller said. "I'm happy and I want to help write the script" said Michael Blake. Then forget Michael Blake had not asked the name of the caller. "Oh yes. Who are you? "Said Michael Blake. "I Cavin Costner" sipenelpon answered it. After the novel Dances With The Wolves made the film and won an Oscar as best film, the novel Dances With The Wolve sold like peanuts. Millions of copies sold, making Michael Blake rich quick. Although actually 19 times starting from the failure to make a novel.

Similarly, Colonel Sanders, before reaching for success as an entrepreneur Fied Chicken Fried Chicken Kentucky's largest and best in the world, must go through the failure times in 1018 to sell franchises Any failure. He sees as part of the study, then he fix what caused the failure or people will not buy a franchise. New in the 1019 time, some people want to buy a franchise of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He was born 9 September 1890 and had success after 65 years of age. Hartland Colonel Sanders eventually became a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit. Kentucky Fried Chicken is now no more than 80 countries around the world.

Achieving success is, like climbing stairs. The higher we climb the ladder, the higher the level of our success. But most of the before the last step on the ladder, they are desperate and stopped up the stairs and gave up. We did not know at which steps. Was in the initial steps?. In the middle of the stairs? Or in the last step?. Only God the All-Knowing. Only a desperate abstinence, we will up the last ladder.

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