Monday, November 30, 2009


Most people who meet me say that they want to start a business but do not have the capital. And God gave capital is unmatchable, the "brains". Your brain is not more than a strand of wine, sebih even smaller than a cabbage. Weighing less than 1.5 kg. However, the brain a thousand times more powerful than the world's greatest computer. Fruit fly has 100,000 active brain cells. A mouse has 5 million brain cells. Ape 10 billion. While you have 100 billion active brain cells from birth. So you people really incredible. You do not have the capital was still able to open the business with your brain. One way to open a business without cash payment is behind and is a powerful weapon I have ever used.

By the time we opened a branch in the road Primagama South Demangan number 92, which houses Mr. Sri Satoto. We opened the business with a payment method in the back. We say "sir we will rent you a house for a year". "Please. I am glad you have a student like activity ", said Mr. Sri Satoto. "We will pay per month sir", we said. "Nothing", said Mr. Sri Satoto. "But we will pay starting next month sir". Mr. Sri Satoto paused, then said "Yes. It's okay ". Mr. courtesy of the Sri Satoto we can open a branch without any money.

Similarly when I set up STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, with a brain, I visited the house which Mr Blake Sutrisno has a house in Jl. Monginsidi No. 8. "Mr Blake my Dad would rent a house for two years". "Oh yes please. The house is still empty "Mr Blake said. "I'm going to start hiring in March, Pak. But I will pay in August and September ". "Lho kok so" said Mr Blake. "Because I do not have the money sir. After the August and September, God willing, I get the money from students and that's what I want to pay to Mr Blake ". Mr Blake was silent for a moment, then said "Yes it's okay, but I beg dinotariskan yes". "Yes sir", I said. So the Academy of Information Management and Computer "AMIKOM" Yogyakarta, which is now a STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakartapun can stand without the cash. Now STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta has a land of about 10,000 square feet and 2 luxurious buildings on the fifth floor and third floor entirely air-conditioned and Wireless Fidelity (WI-FI), so that the students call it like a mall. All begins with using the brain, not with cash.

My students STIE MM Program "ABI" Surabaya told me too. "Sir I am also starting a business without cash. I trusted to sell the goods, after the new behavior is given date paid 3 months. But the stuff I sell it cheap, I get the cash. Then I bought other stuff that I can sell at a price high enough so that I can profit big enough, so it can pay for goods due 3 months ", he said. Consignment system, such as the sale of the book can be done with payments in the back. Good luck.

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