Monday, November 30, 2009


BY Stephen P Robbins, a team can produce a positive synergy when done with a coordinated effort. Efforts of each individual can produce a higher performance than the sum of the input of each individual. Teams can be classified according to the target consists of a team problem-solving, self-managed teams, cross-functional teams and virtual teams. The team consists of fixers 5 to 12 people from the same department, met a few hours a week to discuss improving the quality, efficiency and work environment.

Self-managed team of 10 to 15 people who took the responsibility of the previous supervisor. General Electric, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, PepsiCo, Xerox uses a self-managed teams. Cross-functional teams consisting of employees at the same hierarchical level but different field, who work together to do a task. BMW, DaimlerCrysler, Ford, Honda, IBM, Nissan and Toyota use a cross-functional teams. Virtual teams using information technology to link together the members are physically separated in order to achieve a common goal. Virtual teams to collaborate online, not just a separate room, but separated between continents.

High performance team has found a common characteristic. The team is likely to be small. With people with three different types of technical skills, problem solving and decision-making, and interpersonal. With this skill right people engage in various roles. The team has a commitment to common purpose, establish specific goals, and have the leadership and structure to provide focus and direction.

Microsoft just hire smart people and then formed small teams to work on creative projects within a certain time. Every individual has a role in accordance with the knowledge and skills of each. Each unit in this company doing the work with a relatively similar pattern, namely a working team which is relatively small and together to complete the task successfully. Each work team at Microsoft, has the freedom to determine how best to complete the task with their creativity. Yet still framed by certain guidelines. Small decisions is still a small team leader power. The design of the project objectives and activities are always presented to all members to be discussed together. Each work team proposed an approach that will be used to complete the project. The proposal is then discussed and discussed.

"He who went to meet the needs of his brother, then it is better than ten years iktikaf. He who iktikaf draw closer to God, then God will take away the Fire three trenches between him. Each one trench greater distance than the distance between the east and west, "the words of the Prophet Muhammad.

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