Monday, November 30, 2009


Customer experience (customer experience) is an internal customer response and subjective to each contact with the company, either directly or indirectly. Direct relationship generally occurs on the purchase, use and service is usually initiated by the customer. Indirect relationship most often involves unplanned encounters with the appearance of products, services and branding company and takes the form of recommendations or critics word of mouth, advertising, news reports, studies and so on.

Customer experience management (Customer Experience Management / CEM) differs from customer relationship management (Customer Relationship Management / CRM) in the subject matter, time, monitor, audience and purpose. If the customer experience management capture and distribute what the customer thinks about a company, the customer relationship management capture and distribute what the company knew about the customer.

If management focuses on the customer experience with customer interaction point or 'point of contact' with customers, the customer relationship management to focus on after contact with a customer who is a record of interaction with customers.

If the management of customer experience conducting surveys, studies and observed target is the 'voice of the customer', customer relationship management will do that from sales data, market research, click-through web site and tracking customer data automatically.

In customer experience management is using information about customers is a business leader or a functional in order to create a ekpektasi customers can be satisfied and experience a better customer to the products and services, while in the customer relationship management customer information is only used by people in direct contact with customers , such as marketing, field and customer service in order to carry out customer service in an efficient and effective.

Customer experience management seeks to minimize the gap between ekpektasi and customer experience, customer relationship management is only trying to control the sales by relying on the product package that is not the customer requested.

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