Monday, November 30, 2009


Meyer and Schwager describes the Customer Experience Management (CEM) is a process that involves three kinds of monitoring, the monitoring of past patterns, current patterns and potential patterns. If the company monitors the transactions that occur in large numbers and complex by individual customers, the company will look at past patterns. Monitoring patterns of the past is now catching experience that is intended to improve the experience of the transaction, following the trend and destination experiences, assess the impact of new initiatives and identify emerging issues. The method can be used with Web-Based, in person or telephone surveys, using forums and blogs. For example the service after the installation or use of products, customer service follow-up or follow-up purchases of new products by customers

Monitoring is now following the pattern of relationship issues and current experience with the view that focused on identifying opportunities that will come. The pattern now is to maintain the previous observations are consistent depth, look to the future and look back and using more issues and use critical customers. The method used in addition to web-based survey also direct contact with the person or by phone as well as forums and focus groups. For example the study of two annual accounts, learn how customers use the product at home and so on.

Monitoring potential pattern is monitoring targets needed to introduce and examine future opportunities. The method depends on the particular customer or problems that are unique, highly focused and involves knowledge of customer relationships that already exist. For example ethnographic study design, special user market studies and special groups.

To support the CEM, everything in the company must function properly. Marketing department works capture the taste and standards of each person who becomes the target market, spreading knowledge about the target market into the company and then adjust all customer communications in accordance with her wishes. Part service ensures that processes, skills and practices of service tailored to each customer touch point. Product development section will attempt to create a feature or features that customers need. Including design experience after watching customers use the products, services and learn how the customer wants a product that suited her and describe products that frustrated and disappointed, so it can dihindari.Bagian information technology can collect, analyze and distribute the CEM data, integrate information generated by Customer Relationship Management and monitor its progress in one place. The data must be easily understood by managers and systems analysts, and be used as the basis for rapid decision making.

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